Maya Armstrong

Dr. Maya Armstrong is Family Medicine intern at the University of New Mexico.

Eileen Barrett

Eileen Barrett, MD, MPH, FHM, FACP, is a general internist and medical educator in the Division of Hospital Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, at the University of New Mexico.

Lionel Candelaria

Dr. Candelaria is practicing at Oral Maxillofacial Surgery Associates of New Mexico, P.A. and at the Univerity of NM Hospital, Department of Dental Medicine and the Department of Surgery. 

Jodi Casados

Dr. Casados is a Board Certified Family Practice Physician and area native who provides the full scope of adult primary care as well as pediatric care and prenatal obstetric care for patients.

Cynthia Chavers

Cynthia Chavers, LMSW, has been a Social Worker with State of New Mexico Protective Services Division for over 20 years.

David Chen

Dr. David Chen: Is a native of Colorado. He earned his both his Bachelors in Biology and Dental degree from University of Colorado.

Matt Cross-Guillen

Matthew has a B.S. in Environmental Science and an M.A. in Environmental Education.

Jay Dainty

Dr. Jay Dainty: Is a dental graduate of Columbia University and his undergraduate degree at Wake Forest University

Jim Farmer

Jim Farmer, MPH, is the Director of the Office of School and Adolescent Health, New Mexico Department of Health.

Catherine M. Flaitz

Catherine Flaitz, D.D.S., M.S., is adjunct professor, Division of Pediatric Dentistry, The Ohio State University and soon will be clinical professor, Department of Diagnostic and Biological Sciences, The University of Read More

Jason Flores

Dr. Flores graduated from Lamar Univ. in Beaumont, TX, with a B.S. in Biology (2001) and a B.S. in Nursing (2004).

Janis Gonzales

Dr. Janis Gonzales is the Bureau Chief and Medical Director for the Family Health Bureau in the Department of Health.

Melinda Hall

Dr. Hall is the Dental Director at Carrizozo Health Center in southern NM.

Patrick Hooper

Dr. Patrick Hooper: Was born and raised in Albuquerque, NM. He obtained his Bachelor of Science in Biology from Southwestern University in Georgetown, TX. He received his DDS from the University of Missouri-Kansas City.

Andrew Hsi

Professor of Pediatrics and Family and Community Medicine, Clinician Educator
University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center

Shayna Klassen

The Behavioral Health Consultant, Shayna Klassen is new to DOH-OSAH in 2018 and brings 12 years of Mental and Behavioral Health experience, concentrating in youth residential treatment services.

Valerie Lopez

Valerie Lopez works for the NM Department of Health, Office of School & Adolescent Health as a School Mental Health Advocate (SMHA) and serves the southeastern region of New Mexico.

Levi Maes

My name is Levi Maes, and I am very excited and enthused about the opportunity to come back to my community and serve the great people of this area as your new family doctor and medical director of La Clinica del Pueblo.

Brittany McDaniel

Dr. Brittany McDaniel: She was raised in Farmington, NM . She studied Chemistry at the U of NM and earned her dental degree from Creighton University.

Susan Merrill

Susan Merrill is a Medical Social Worker, who works for the NM Department of Health, Children’s Medical Services, assisting families who have a child diagnosed with a birth defect, in accessing services throughout the State.

Seddah Moya

Dr. Moya is a staff Obstetrician/Gynecologist at Women’s Specialists of New Mexico in Albuquerque.

Aamna Nayyar

Director of Department of Dental Health, Santa Fe Community College

Erin O’Neal

Dr. Erin O’Neal: Is a native of Mississippi and a graduate of Meharry Medical College. In addition she has her MPH.

Eric Palmer

Dr. Eric Palmer: Received his DDS from Virginia Commonwealth University.

James ‘JD’ Rayl

JD is a Registered Nurse and Acute Care Nurse Practitioner in the Otolaryngology department of the surgery section at the Albuquerque Veteran’s Administration hospital.

Luis Rigales

Luis Rigales, MD is a graduate of the University of New Mexico School of Medicine and the Program Director for the CHRISTUS St. Vincent Family Medicine Residency Program. 

Ryan Sanchez

Ryan Sanchez is the acting Program Manager/Health Educator for the Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Program at the New Mexico Department of Health.

John Simpson

Dr. John Simpson is board certified in Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery.

Adrienne R. Smith

Adrienne R. Smith is President and CEO of New Mexico Direct Caregivers Coalition, a statewide organization that advocates for and advances the professional development and workforce issues of New Mexico’s direct caregivers.

Angela Svaan

Dr. Angela Svaan: Is a graduate of the University of Michigan.

Azeem Vasi

Dr. Vasi is a board certified Otolaryngologist- Head and Neck Surgeon currently on staff at the Raymond G. Murphy VA Medical Center.

Corey Waller

Corey Waller MD, MS, FACEP, DFASAM is an addiction, pain, and emergency medicine specialist, a Principal Consultant at Health Management Associates, and the Chair of the Legislative Advocacy Committee for the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM).

Victoria Waugh-Reed

Victoria Waugh-Reed is the Statewide Youth Suicide Prevention Coordinator in the DOH Office of School and Adolescent Health. She holds a Master of Arts in Counseling and has 20 years Read More

Bowen F. White

Bowen F. White, M.D. combines the talents and expertise of a physician, speaker, consultant, and author. He travels the world conducting seminars, consulting and speaking to public and private organizations.